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Frequently asked questions about Popping. Don't see what you're looking for? Contact us at

  • What is the minimum age to use Popping?
    In the United States, users must be 13 years old to create an account and use Popping.
  • How do I create an account?
    To create an account, you must provide your name, phone number and birthdate. We’ll send a verification code to your phone to confirm the number belongs to you. After your phone number is verified, you can create your username and start popping!
  • What are the username requirements?
    Popping usernames are limited to 15 characters and may only include letters, numbers, periods, and underscores.
  • Where is Popping currently available?
    Popping is currently available in the United States for iOS and Android.
  • What is a ping?
    A ping is like a post, or message that you’re sharing with an audience. Pings can include text, image, video or a hyperlink. You can also tag other users using the @symbol, use hashtags #, and you have the option to add a poll to any ping.
  • What is a pop?
    A pop is a ping that the author sets to disappear from view automatically, from 1 minute to 24 hours after it’s posted. You can make any ping a pop by tapping the clock icon while composing a ping.
  • How do I compose a ping?
    Once inside the Popping app, tap the + button in the menu at the bottom of the screen. Add the text of your post and up to ten pictures or videos, if desired. Determine the hub you want to share your post in. Post to the "Popping" hub when you want to share with the general Popping community or search for the hub in which you would like to share your post. Adjust your sharing preferences, if desired. Optionally add a poll, or make the ping into a pop, which sets it to disappear from view after the amount of time you set, from 1 minute to 24 hours.
  • What do the sharing options mean when composing a ping?
    When creating your ping, you can choose who can see your post by selecting one of these settings. Public: allows anyone on or off of Popping to view it. Nearby + Favorites: Your post will be visible to all users viewing the hub it's posted to, and shown only in the feeds of users who are Nearby the location of the hub, or who have Favorited the hub you posted in. Followers Only: limits visiblity to users who follow you on Popping.
  • What is a hub?
    Popping transforms map locations into communities, called hubs, for people to post and share messages in. Hubs are physical locations, such as parks, business establishments, schools, neighborhoods, and other gathering places. Hubs should not be created for virtual locations like online retailers and fictitious locations. Hubs representing a single person or an individual person or family’s residence are not permitted. For example, a hub may be created for a residential building, but cannot be created for any one unit within that building.
  • Can anyone create a hub?
    Users can create hubs for real geographic locations that fall into one of these categories: gym, hotel, medical, neighborhood, park, trail, or other outdoor attraction, place of worship, residential building, restaurant, school or educational, store, sports arena or stadium, travel for air, bus or train, other business, or other point of interest. To create a hub, click the compass icon on the footer menu in the app. Tap the “+Hub” button and fill in the info about the hub you’d like to create.
  • How do I create a hub?
    To create a hub, click the compass icon on the footer menu in the app. Tap the “+Hub” button and fill in the info about the hub you’d like to create. First, select the type of hub you are creating from the available selections. Then, enter the hub name and website, if applicable. If you are at the location where the hub is located, tap "Use Current Location” to automatically fill in the address details of the location. Otherwise enter the address of the hub's location. Review the map to ensure the location is correct, and then tap "Create hub".
  • Can I send direct messages to other users?
    Send direct messages to other Popping users by tapping the chat bubble icon on the footer menu. From there you can search for or select the user you’d like to start or continue your one-on-one conversation with. Users can determine if they want to receive messages from any user, or just from those they follow through the settings available in their profile.
  • Can I tag someone in a post?
    To tag someone in a post, use the @ symbol, followed by the username of the person you would like to tag. If the user allows tagging, their username will appear on the screen. Click the name of the user to complete the tagging. The user will be tagged once the ping has been posted. You can manage your tagging permissions in More > Privacy > Tagging.
  • Where do you source your hub data?
    Hubs are created using both publicly available information, including information from Open Street Maps, as well as data submitted by Popping users.
  • Why should I favorite a hub?
    Favoriting a hub is a way to stay connected to what's happening in the places you love. On the home screen, swipe to the Favorites tab to view what's popping in your favorite places. In your settings, you can choose if you’d like to receive notifications about new posts in your favorite hubs. To favorite or unfavorite a hub, tap the star icon next to the hub name.
  • How do I edit or delete something I’ve posted?
    Editing posts is not available at this time. To delete a post, visit your profile and tap the 3 vertical dots. Then tap "Delete" from the menu that appears to delete the post.
  • How do I delete my Popping account?
    Deleting your Popping account is permanent. Your profile, photos, videos, comments, likes and followers will be permanently deleted. In order to delete your Popping account, visit the More screen by tapping the 3 horizontal bars on the bottom right of the app. Tap Account Information, and then Delete Account. Then follow the prompts to confirm the deletion of your account.
  • What should I do if I forgot my password?
    On the login screen, click the forgot password link. A one-time passcode will be sent to the phone number associated with your Popping account. Once the code is entered you will be able to change your password.
  • How do I change my password?
    From the home screen, tap the 3 horizontal bars to view the More screen. Then tap Account Information, then Change Password. You'll need to enter your current password, and the new password you would like to use.
  • What happens when content is reported?
    If reported content is found in violation of Popping’s Code of Conduct, the user may be notified, and any necessary action will occur, such as removing the post or blocking a user’s account.
  • How do I report content?
    Report content by tapping the 3 dots on the post, hub or user you'd like to report. Tap the report option, and then fill out the relevant information to describe why you are reporting the user, post or hub.
  • How do I set up or mange my profile?
    To view your own profile, tap the icon in the top left corner of the Popping app. From there, add or edit your about information or profile picture. Adjust your notification and privacy preferences by visiting the More menu. Tap the 3 horizontal bars on the bottom right of the home screen to access settings for messages, account visibility and more.
  • How do I make a post private?
    When creating your ping, you can choose who can see your post by selecting one of these settings. Public: allows anyone on or off of Popping to view it. Nearby + Favorites: Your post will be visible to all users viewing the hub it's posted to, and shown only in the feeds of users who are Nearby the location of the hub, or who have Favorited the hub you posted in. Followers Only: limits visibility to users who follow you on Popping. You can also choose to make your profile private which means users will need to request access to follow you or view your profile.
  • Are all hubs public?
    At this time, all hubs are public. This means that anything you share to a hub can be viewed by users who view the hub you have posted to.
  • How do I report an inaccurate or inappropriate hub?
    To view the details about a hub, like its address and website, click the hub name. You can report a hub by clicking the three dot menu and selecting “report”. Then, you can enter the details of your report for Popping’s review. If you believe some of the hub's information is inaccurate, you can suggest edits by tapping the question mark icon next to a hub's address. Edits will not take effect until they are reviewed.
  • How do I prevent users from tagging me?
    Manage your tagging permissions by visiting More > Privacy > Tagging. You can choose to allow tags from anyone or no one.
  • What if someone is using my copyrighted content?
    View our Intellectual Property Rights policy at for additional information about copyrights, and what to do if you suspect copyright infringement has occurred on Popping.
  • What is the difference in a public and private account?
    When your account is private, only users who follow you can see your profile details. If your account is set as public, anyone can view your profile. You can manage your account’s privacy settings in More > Privacy > Profile Visibility.
  • What if someone is using my trademarked content?
    View our Intellectual Property Rights policy at for additional information about trademarks and what to do if you suspect copyright infringement has occurred on Popping.
  • Can anyone message me?
    You can determine who is allowed to send you direct message by More > Messages > Permissions. You may allow messages from all users, or just those that you follow.
  • How do I block a user?
    Visit the user’s profile and click the 3 vertical dots menu. This will bring up an option to bock the user. You can view and manage blocked users directly in your profile by visiting More > Privacy > Blocked Users. The user will not be notified if you block them.
  • What if my Popping account has been hacked?
    If you suspect your Popping account has been hacked, reset your password immediately by visiting the forgot password link on the login screen. This will send a one-time passcode to the phone number you used at the time you created your Popping account. You can then reset your password. If you're able to log in after the password reset, please check your account activity and re-secure your account.
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